2017 Supper & Song

Our testimony is that when we come to God and fully give our lives to Him, He gives us of His own life, His own Spirit. He comes into our lives, and we are no longer alone. We no longer need to battle things out in our own strength, for He is our salvation. When we trust Him, we do not need to fear, for He is our strength and our joyful song (Isaiah 12:2-3).

1. Living Water (Sue Langbein)Download
Two of my favourite passages in the Bible describe a river of the water of life that flows from God’s throne in heaven all the way down to the sea of humanity on earth, and everywhere the river flows and touches, it brings life. When Jesus met a woman beside a well she’d come to draw water from, He told her that He could give her living water that would never fail. As she began to believe Him, He gave her the words of life that He knew would answer her thirst and save her life. When another woman sat at Jesus’ feet quietly listening to Him instead of doing the other things that were clamouring for her attention, He said that she’d chosen what was eternal and could never be taken away from her. The words of Jesus are pure, life-giving water. We thirst with a deep thirst that no well on earth can satisfy, but Jesus can, and He is offering that living water, inviting, ‘Let the thirsty come to me and drink of the water of life’.

2. Now I Can Believe (Jessica Lawless)Download
When the Lord speaks to us concerning who we are or what we need to do, it can be impossible to believe it. We look at our state and cannot even start to comprehend how what the Lord has spoken could even take place. However, when we come humbly to the Lord in prayer and receive His grace, His mercy and His love, we can believe what the Lord has spoken because God has given us the capacity to believe!

3. Wondrous Works (Jacqueline Thompson)Download
Sometimes we can limit what we think God can do in our lives because we’re assessing ourselves or our situation. But as we humble ourselves, He is able to form and change us and give us a sure hope for the path ahead. When we draw near to God with boldness and confidence, we can join His faith for us and know that He is able to do wondrous works in our lives.

4. God’s Love (Mary Bines)Download
God’s love is so very different to what our natural understanding of love is. We are able to receive God’s love in our hearts if we pray to Him and ask Him. Our own love and sense of goodness inevitably runs out. There are limits to how much we can love and forgive others. But God’s love is endless and sees beyond our own mistakes and the hurts we personally feel from other’s mistakes. Pursue God’s love. It is the greatest gift of them all. It heals our relationships.

5. Come, Follow Me (Anna Lawless)Download
Do you often find that you don’t know which way to turn in your life and feel lost and alone? Jesus came to give us light and life. In fact, in the Bible Jesus said that He is the light of the world and it is in Him we find Life. Jesus calls us to follow Him. By following Him, we can know the plan He has for our life and we no longer feel lost or alone. We can live in His light and with His life.

6. He will give you Peace (Jessica Lawless)Download
An average day may contain stressful situations, family mishaps and the constant drive to live up to personal or work expectations, with many of us often striving to find peace once these situations and expectations are controlled or resolved. However, the only way to find peace is as we turn to the Lord and receive the gift of peace that He has for us – which is Jesus. As we turn to the Lord we can walk out each day without striving, knowing that the Lord is in control of our lives.

7. The God that I know (Erin Crockford)Download
When we are on the pathway that God has for us, we can be assured that every circumstance we walk through is part of His good and perfect plan for us. Every circumstance we face, He can use to see His plan achieved in our lives. This song talks about how God ‘sets our feet on a rock’ which describes the sure foundation we can know each day when our lives are built on Him.